How Much For A Mythic Hero in MetaBomb?

Part One



MetaBomb’s first INO event is open from 1PM April 30th to 1PM May 15th, 2022. Most investors are questioning how much they need to spend to own the most powerful hero in MetaBomb. If you have the same question, you are on the right post!

According to the team plan, once participants staked 50,000 MTB, and paid $499.99 in BUSD to own a mysterious Ultra Box, they’ll have a 0.1% chance to get a Mythic Hero. The odds are slim. However, even when the Ultra Box reveals a Rare Hero, you can upgrade or fuse your heroes to increase the stats and class. With the fusion/level-up mechanism, the unwanted heroes you may open are not totally a waste of money!

Fusion Hero requires 2 max level Heroes at the same rarity as materials and a bit of MTB as fee, allowing fusing 2 heroes at the same rarity to get 1 hero at the higher rarity.

Fusion Cheat Sheet

Heroes can also be upgraded to their full potential by leveling up. When leveling up a hero, you will need a level 1 hero at the same rarity as the material and a bit of MTB as fee.

Heroes at different rarity will have different max levels.

Let’s assume the whatever number of boxes you bought will even the odds. It’s a big assumption, so please take this calculation with a grain of salt. Factoring in the number of boxes that you have to buy to get 2 heroes at the same level, and the number of opened boxes to successfully fuse a Mythic Hero, knowing that the rarity hero spawn rates of Normal, Premium and Ultra boxes are:

Let’s assume you put in $40,000 BUSD to buy Boxes and buy the maximum number of boxes with each wallet, given the table above, you can have:

  • 204 Normal Boxes
  • 102 Premium Boxes
  • 51 Ultra Boxes
  • $223.57 BUSD in change.

Let’s assume again you have the luck of an average Joe. Correspondingly, the results are:

In total, you have:

  • 215 Common Heroes
  • 89 Rare Heroes
  • 46 Epic Heroes
  • 6 Legend Heroes
  • 0 Mythic Hero

Under the assumption that you will do whatever it takes to bring a Mythic Hero home, whether it is Fusion or Upgrade. Please bear in mind that the fused heroes must be at the same MAX level. For example, if you open 2 boxes of common heroes but both are at the level 1, you have to play, spend money and boost them to level 2 to fuse into 1 rare hero lv1. Depending on your effort to play and earn, you can decide which strategy to buy boxes to own a Mythic hero.

In the next part, we will get into getting a Mythic Hero from the number of Heroes you have collected…

Stay tuned and follow us on MetaBomb Social channel for the updates! Don’t forget to join MetaBomb INO now because the number of boxes may be sold out before May 15, 2022.

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